艺术暴力且快乐Art is an act of violence. It violates. Physical violence destroys, but violence as an art form inspires.He’s not a good artist, but he realizes that art and violence are the same thing; now he knows why that instinct has always been there, and it makes him a happy person.
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卧槽布鲁斯威利斯好帅各种动作打斗场面太燃了惊心动魄最厉害的是男主和反派一样智商在线武力在线疫情期间拿下老妈就是阴差阳错棋差一招啊当地警局FBI和报社真的猪队友被安插了内奸还没有揪出来(可能是续集的伏笔)终于知道乔伊为啥喜欢说“How you doing ”了哈哈哈哈